The Community Environmental Stewardship Project is a group of annual events organized to restore and care for our urban forests in publicly owned parks and greenspaces.

Community partner groups like Rotary Clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, school and corporate groups plant indigenous trees, shrubs, flowers and ferns, as well as remove invasive alien plants and do a variety of educational projects related to nature. Staff and volunteers work with the partner groups to plan and implement projects, and teach them how to plant successfully and take care of the plants.

The projects aim to restore the natural forests and wetlands of the Toronto area using species that occurred here historically. We use up-to-date techniques and science to design the sites to ensure the best possible results over the long term.

The project has been going on since 1991 in many parks throughout the city and suburbs.  Over 250,000 trees and shrubs have been planted by thousands of volunteers.  Hundreds of acres have been reforested with native species and nature is returning to the parks.

We can organize events for any group, please call us to help restore our urban forests!

For more information:

Urban Forest Associates
[email protected]
Tel/fax 416-423-3387